At Attorney Credits you can complete one course and get credit for multiple states. We offer courses in 49 states plus DC and Puerto Rico, so as long as you don’t need Wisconsin CLE, we have your covered. Getting credit for two or more states can be confusing to newcomers, but in this blog post, I will try to explain how easy it is to add courses or bundles for multiple states.
Adding individual courses for multiple states is as easy as clicking one button. On the Course List page, which is a catalog of all courses good in a state, each course has an “Additional States” link. Just click the link and a drop down will appear with a list of states that the course is currently approved in. If your states are listed, you can get credit for that course. See the gree circle below.

What Is The Best Way To Find Courses For Multiple States?
I think the best way to find courses for multiple states is to first pull up each of your states Course List. Find the state with the fewest courses and start adding courses from this state’s Course List. When we add courses for each state, we start with a base level of courses. This means that if 20 courses are approved in your state, those 20 courses will also be good for credit in any other state with 20 or more courses.
What About State Bundles?
Adding State Bundles is even easier than adding courses. Determine which state requires the most credits and add the Premiere Bundle for that state. You want to add the state with the most credits, otherwise you will be short in that state. All the courses in the Premiere Bundles utilize the base number of courses so that they are good in the greatest number of states. Depending on how your state approves courses, sometimes this may not be the case due to how long courses are approved for. However, this is always the place to start.
What About Specialty Requirements?
This is where it gets tricky, but don’t worry, we have a solution! After the purchase go through the course list and determine if you are missing any specialty credit hours. Use the Exchange Course button to remove a General Credit hour course and follow the prompts to add a new course. You can easily exchange courses after your purchase (not before).
Do You Have Multi- State Bundles Already Configured?
Yes, we do, but it is limited because there are just too many possible combinations. Our most popular combinations are New York/New Jersey, New York/Florida, New York/California, Florida/California, Texas/Oklahoma, California/Washington, Oregon/Washington, and Oregon/Washington/California.

Whoa! This Is Too Confusing!
Don’t worry if you can’t figure it out yourself. We do this every day! Just give us a call and we can put together a bundle to meet all your state’s needs.
Attorney Credits also offers Custom Bundles, where you can choose your own courses. If that isn’t enough, we also have Unlimited plans, including a crazy affordable lifetime subscription. If you don’t know what your state’s CLE requirements are, click here.