All Colorado attorneys must complete 45 CLE hours each 3 year compliance period, including 7 hours of legal ethics. Luckily, you can complete all 45 hours without leaving your home or office – all 45 hours may be completed with online and downloadable on-demand CLE courses.
Colorado CLE
* 45 total hours
* 7 hours of legal ethics
* December 31
All 45 required Colorado CLE hours must be completed by December 31 and reported by January 31. As an Approved Sponsor of CLE in Colorado, our online & downloadable CO CLE courses are all approved for CLE credit.[1] For more information about Colorado CLE, please click the following link: CO CLE.
[1] Online & downloadable by the Colorado CLE Board for home study credit. Our CO CLE courses meet all the requirements of the CO MCLE Rules.