Divorce Cases: Bitcoin, Charizard & NFTs
Public keys, blockchain and NFTs. Crypto is becoming an increasingly more common asset in divorce cases.
Cold Wallets, Bored Apes & Beyond: What Family Law Attorneys Need to Know
The reality is that many attorneys have no clue about cold wallets, decentralized exchanges and Bored Apes. Further, crypto is also one of the easiest ways to hide money for a tech savvy spouse.
Collectibles, Mineral Rights & Crypto: Easy Ways to Conceal Assets
In this CLE Kelly Burris will discuss valuing unusual assets like collectibles, handling mineral rights and finding & dealing with cryptocurrency in divorce cases. Crypto can be an ideal way to hide marital assets because even an experienced family lawyer may not know enough to suspect its existence in a divorce case. To access the course please click here: Bitcoin, Charizard and NFTs: Cryptocurrency and Unusual Assets in Divorce Cases.
Additional Family Law CLE Topics:
* Getting an expert for valuations
* The economic analysis method for valuing patents
* The legal benefits of copyright protection
* The strength & value of a trademark
* “I Drink Your Milkshake” – The Rule of Capture
* Fair market value
* Book value
* Insurance value
* Appraised value
* Crypto for dummies
* Public keys & private keys
* Decentralized blockchain wallets
* The BlockChain
* How parties hold crypto
* Third party centralized exchanges like Coinbase
* Mining
* Questions for clients
* Finding crypto
* Discovery
* Interrogatories
* Tax issues
Kelly L. Burris – Family Law Attorney Extraordinaire
Kelly L. Burris got into family law to help people instead of corporations. “I wanted to be able to help people get through these tough situations in their lives and do it the right way.”
This CLE course is offered in the following states:
* Alaska (AK)
* Alabama (AL)
* Arizona (AZ)
* California (CA)
* Connecticut (CT)
* District of Columbia (DC)
* Illinois (IL)
* Maryland (MD)
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* New York (NY)
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* Pennsylvania (PA)
* South Dakota (SD)
* Vermont (VT)
Texas CLE
Attorney Credits offers CLE for attorneys in Texas and around the country. For more information about CLE in Texas please click the following link: TX CLE.