Montana CLE Requirements
All active Montana attorneys are required to complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of Montana CLE during each reporting year. Of the 15 credit hours, a minimum of 2 must be earned from programs on professional fitness and integrity (PFI) , which includes: professional responsibility and ethics, fitness to practice, or activities on acknowledging and advancing the elimination of bias and encouraging diversity and inclusion of all persons in the legal system.
The annual reporting cycle runs from April 1 to March 31 each year. If you don’t complete your MT CLE before March 31, Montana has a 6-week grace period during which you can earn and report your CLE without penalty. This means that you have until May 15th if you are running late.
New attorneys are not required to complete any CLE for the duration of the reporting year during which they are admitted.
Live Montana CLE Attendance Required
Montanta still requires that attorneys earn a minimum of 10 of the 15 MT CLE hours from “live” or “interactive” seminars. The other 5 credit hours can be earned through self-study programs, such as on-demand.
If you have excess live credit hours (up to 30), you may carry over excess hours for the next 2 reporting years. Self-study hours do not carry over and PFI (ethics) carry over of live credit hours is limited to 4.
Even though good providers like Attorney Credits reports your completed credit hours to the state, Montana attorneys are still required to report their MT CLE credit hours because Montana is considered a self-reporting state. Some lesser providers don’t report, or don’t report timely. Therefore, you must verify that your courses have been reported by logging in to the Montana Bar’s website.
Attorney Credits
If you are looking to complete your MT CLE credit hours, Attorney Credits has 5 credit hours Montana CLE Bundles and individual MT CLE courses. Attorney Credits is a nationwide CLE provider, and our MT CLE courses are approved by the Montana Commission on CLE. Come see why we have issued over 3 million certificates to attorneys across the nation. If your law firm is interested in a solution for your entire firm, check our our Teams by Attorney Credits offering.