Attorney Credits CLE Accreditation Services

CLE Accreditation

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) or Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), is the type of education that states require to ensure that attorneys maintain competence in their legal knowledge of law. Most states, but not all, require admitted attorneys to complete a minimum number of CLE credit hours during their MCLE compliance period.

Every state has different MCLE requirements, unique state application procedures, their own fee schedules, and approval periods. Our extensive experience in accreditation means that you don’t have to become an expert in state bar application navigation.

Our Expertise

Attorney Credits has been accrediting CLE courses nationwide for nearly 20 years and has a deep understanding of each jurisdiction’s requirements, rules, and procedures. We are often in a first name relationship with the people who work in the state bar offices, and our commitment to upholding state rules ensures that our thoroughness achieves success with our customers. We spend countless hours each year making sure we keep up to date with the ever-changing state regulations so that you don’t have to.

What We Do

Attorney Credits can manage the entire life cycle of your CLE courses from helping to make sure your courses meet the required legal requirements, accreditation applications, attorney tracking, automated certificate issuance, and state reporting.

Our hosted learning platform was robustly designed to handle your CLE needs and has issued millions of certificates. Our platform has been integrated with Zoom so that you can offer live meetings and webinars and our on-demand component can stream both video and audio. We have also created a unique compliance engine that ensures that each state’s regulations are met, with each state able to have their own rules.

State reporting is just as complicated as accreditation, and we are experts on reporting. Every state that requires provider reporting has different methods of reporting from mailed in reports to bulk file imports. Having dedicated reporting specialists is essential to meeting timely state reporting requirements.

Getting CLE Accreditation and CLE Delivery

Getting your CLE courses accredited and delivered to attorneys seems easy, but it is a time-consuming process that takes timing and preparation. Using Attorney Credits experienced CLE accreditation and reporting teams allows you to focus on what your business does best! We can get your courses accredited, delivered, and reported all while helping you control your CLE costs. Don’t get bogged down wading through byzantine state rules and regulations – we do this every day – and we can efficiently and affordably handle your entire CLE needs. With application accreditation, attendance verification, automated certificate issuance, state reporting, webinar delivery, and on demand content hosting our custom-tailored CLE services will exceed your expectations. Let our expert CLE teams handle your accreditation and delivery needs. Send an email to to schedule a meeting today.