In this entertaining CLE course, Mark Reichenthal will start by providing a brief recap of copyrights, trademarks, patents & trade secrets. Mark also stresses the importance of teaching employees about IP issues and establishing systems to help employees protect valuable intangible assets.
Currently, California attorneys with last names N-Z must complete 25 CA CLE hours by January 31, 2020… including 4 hours of legal ethics, 1 hour of elimination of bias and 1 hour of competence issues.
In this CLE course Cheryl Nolan will provide you with the highlights of animal law practice, what keeps Animal Law lawyers up at night and important practice tips.
Trial attorney Mark Mermelstein provides you with best practices for getting vital social media evidence admitted at trial, authenticating the electronic evidence, proving its relevance and overcoming hearsay objections. After completing this highly informative & practical course you will understand the legal, practical and ethical implications of using electronic evidence obtained from social media networks and the Internet at trial.
Have you dreamed about starting your own nonprofit to help injured animals or help local youth sports leagues? This is the CLE course if you want to learn how to help your local community groups like the PTA – or if you’re finally ready to start your own nonprofit.